Tınaz Ekim Aşıcı

B.S. in Math, Univ. Tech. et de Sciences de Lille, 1999; 
B.S. in IE, Galatasaray University, 2001;
M.S. in Sc.Meth in Busn, Dauphine-Paris IX, 2002;
Ph.D. in OR, Ecole Polytech. Féd. de Lausanne, 2006.
Research Interests: 
Algorithmic graph theory and applications, Combinatorial optimization, Complexity theory, Approximation theory

Recent publications

  1. Graphs of Edge-Intersecting Non-Splitting Paths in a Tree: Representations of Holes-Part II, Boyacı, Arman, Ekim Tinaz, Shalom Mordechai, and Zaks Shmuel , Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 20, p.1b–1b, (2018)
  2. Edge extremal Graphs Under Degree and Matching Number Restrictions, Ekim, Tinaz , 17th Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graphs – CRI, (2017)
  3. Recent results on equimatchable graphs, Ekim, Tinaz , Combinatorial Potlatch, (2017)
  4. Linear-Time Generation of Random Chordal Graphs, Şeker, Oylum, Heggernes Pinar, Ekim Tinaz, and Z. Taşkın Caner , International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, (2017)
  5. Complexity of the Improper Twin Edge Coloring of Graphs, Abedin, Paniz, Akbari Saieed, Demange Marc, and Ekim Tinaz , Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 33, p.595–615, (2017)
  6. Graphs of edge-intersecting and non-splitting paths, Boyacı, Arman, Ekim Tinaz, Shalom Mordechai, and Zaks Shmuel , Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 629, p.40-50, (2016)