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Hörmann, W., and G. Derflinger, "Universal generators for correlation induction", Compstat, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag, pp. 52–57, 1994.
Hörmann, W., "The generation of binomial random variates", J. Stat. Comput. Simulation, vol. 46, no. 1–2, pp. 101–110, 1993.
Hörmann, W., "New generators of normal and Poisson deviates based on transformed rejection", Operations Research Proceedings 1992, Berlin, Springer, pp. 334–341, 1993.
Hörmann, W., and G. Derflinger, A Portable Random Number Generator Well Suited for the Rejection Method, , vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 489–495, 1993.
KAPLAN, A.. C., and A. Tamer Ünal, "A probabilistic cost-based due date assignment model for job shops", International Journal of Production Research, vol. 31, pp. 2817-2834, 1993.
Ulusoy, G., and Ü. Bilge, "Simultaneous scheduling of machines and automated guided vehicles", THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, vol. 31, no. 12: Taylor & Francis, pp. 2857–2873, 1993.
Hörmann, W., "The transformed rejection method for generating Poisson random variables", Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, vol. 11, pp. 1–7, 1993.
Ünal, A. Tamer, and A. S. Kiran, "BATCH SEQUENCING", IIE Transactions, vol. 24, pp. 73-83, 1992.
Kiran, A. S., A. Tamer Ünal, and S. Karabati, "A location problem on unicyclic networks: Balanced case", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 62, pp. 194-202, 1992.
Ekşioğlu, M., A Model for Impairment Evaluation of Wrist Due to the Loss of Wrist Range of Motion, : Wichita State University, Department of Industrial Engineering, 1992.
Afflerbach, L., and W. Hörmann, "Nonuniform random numbers: A sensitivity analysis for transformation methods", Lecture Notes in Econom. Math. Systems, vol. 374, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 135–144, 1992.
Hörmann, W., and G. Derflinger, "The ACR method for generating normal random variables", OR Spektrum, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 181–185, 1990.
